6 Things to Watch For During Holiday Visits with Aging Loved Ones

‘Tis the season for spending time with loved ones! In addition to enjoying family traditions and time together, these holiday visits are a great ti...
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Stress & Seniors: Coping with Stress this Holiday Season

The holiday season is full of wonderful traditions, events, and treats. However, it can also be a time of significant stress...
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6 Brain Exercises to Boost Memory

Just as we need physical exercises to keep our bodies strong, we also need brain exercises to keep our brain strong. Of course, the key to any exer...
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Occupational Therapy for Seniors Experiencing Memory Loss

For seniors facing a diagnosis that may impact their memory, often the initial concerns are personal: forgetting familiar faces, names of loved one...
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Physical Therapy for Seniors: When It’s Needed & How To Find It

Physical therapy is often associated with recovery from surgery or significant physical injury. But, physical therapy plays an important role in th...
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5 Fall Foods to Promote Healthy Aging

Autumn is here! As the leaves begin to change and the temperature starts to turn cooler, our seasonal food cravings begin to shift...
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A Holistic Health Plan to Boost Senior Immune Systems

Fall is here! In addition to dreaming about warm drinks and cozy blankets, it’s also the perfect time to be intentional about boosting one’s immune...
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Fall Prevention: Why Top-Tier Communities Make it a Top Priority

Why do the leaders in the senior living industry make fall prevention a top priority? Simply put: they can’t afford not to.Falls are the leading ca...
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Goal-Oriented: The Benefits of Full-Time On-Site Therapy

For seniors, losing their ability to participate in activities they enjoy can be devastating, both mentally and emotionally. That is why rehabilita...
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