
Physical Therapy for Seniors: When It’s Needed & How To Find It

Physical therapy is often associated with recovery from surgery or significant physical injury. But, physical therapy plays an important role in th...
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5 Fall Foods to Promote Healthy Aging

Autumn is here! As the leaves begin to change and the temperature starts to turn cooler, our seasonal food cravings begin to shift...
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A Holistic Health Plan to Boost Senior Immune Systems

Fall is here! In addition to dreaming about warm drinks and cozy blankets, it’s also the perfect time to be intentional about boosting one’s immune...
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Fall Prevention: Why Top-Tier Communities Make it a Top Priority

Why do the leaders in the senior living industry make fall prevention a top priority? Simply put: they can’t afford not to.Falls are the leading ca...
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Goal-Oriented: The Benefits of Full-Time On-Site Therapy

For seniors, losing their ability to participate in activities they enjoy can be devastating, both mentally and emotionally. That is why rehabilita...
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Finding Balance: a Choose-Your-Own Adventure Story

Mr. Jones set his sights on winning the annual giant pumpkin competition at the state fair! He had hip replacement surgery in January and spent his...
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Hidden Joys: The Benefits of a Career in Senior Healthcare

Shari Youchoff didn’t start out in her career as an occupational therapist thinking she would work in a senior living community. But today, she cou...
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Down the Hatch with H₂O

Did you know? The human body is more than 60% water? — which makes staying hydrated key to a healthy, thriving lifestyle! Seniors are among the mos...
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Tips to Improve Dining for Seniors with Dementia

Mealtime can be a challenge for seniors experiencing memory loss. Unintentional weight loss is a problem for 30-40% of patients experiencing dement...
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